I can't believe that 2009 has come to an end. This has been one of the most challenging years of my life, my faith has been tested like never before. I will not be sad to ring in a new year and have a fresh start. There is something so comforting about the start of something new, even if it is just a new calendar...
Here is our year in review:

We rang in the new year with a NYE/30th Birthday party for Chad and cheered the Dawgs to victory on New Years Day. We had a fun date night in Atlanta where we saw the Bodies exhibit and ate a yummy dinner. Baby Vinson was born, without a doubt the cutest baby boy ever. And no, I am not partial because I am related...

Got to celebrate Grandmom's birthday with her, got sucked in to Twilight and I chopped off all my hair {it was not a good look on me}. I went to the Chick fil a headquarters for the first time...AHHHHHMAZING.

It snowed a ton, on Grandmama's birthday. It was our the first since she passed so it made it not as sad, God sure does work in mysterious ways...Daddy turned 60!!! {You don't look a day over 55 Daddy:)}

Spent lots of time with Jack and it rain. And rained. And rained. And rained. {that seemed to be a theme all year long}

I turned 28 and we celebrated with a cook out with friends. We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary by cooking an amazing meal and watching American Idol.

Celebrated Beth and Ramsey's Wedding with family and wonderful friends. We went on an amazing vacation to Ponte Vedra and St. Simmons. Chad got to fulfill a dream of playing Sawgrass, it was worth every penny to see him that happy.

We celebrated the 4th of July at my parents annual party. We celebrated Judy and Johnny's 40th Anniversary at Stoney River. It was right before we found out Johnny's cancer diagnosis and this dinner will always have special memories for us. {We can't wait until March to go back and celebrate the end of chemo!!!} At then end of July we went to Biloxi with the Mullins and the Fowlers and had an absolute blast!!!

August was a trying month...Johnny got his cancer diagnosis and had surgery to remove the cancer. Chad also had surgery on his deviated septum. He was so entertaining while drugged up...We got to see my cousin Beth and meet her new baby and new husband. Realized how incredibly important family is...

Went to my 10 year reunion at Opera. It was a blast! Baby Kate was born, it is so amazing to see your good friends become parents. Football started, too bad it was such a disappointing year...

Cheered on the Dawgs more, it did become more and more challenging as the season went on...We went to Highlands, NC to enjoy fall with Judy and Johnny. Jack spent the night with us and Chad asked "don't we need to put his deodorant on him?" as we got ready in the morning. Still one of the funniest things I have ever heard. Momma and Daddy came over on Halloween to watch the Georgia/Florida game and hand out candy.

Watched as the Dawgs lost to UK...it was horrible. Saw New Moon with Jeanine and celebrated Thanksgiving in Chattanooga with the family, it was wonderful.

Baby Harris was born, and cute as a bugs ear. We lost Chad's uncle Arthur Lee and celebrated his life with family. Christmas was wonderful with family and we celebrated Chad's birthday by cheering the Dawgs to victory in the Independence Bowl.
In 2009...
Loved ones were lost, missed so much and entered into the world.
Friendships changed- some good and some not so good.
Our marriage become stronger than ever.
My faith grew and my worship lessened.
Our family remained just the two of us, maybe not what we planned but we are at peace with where we are right now.
We both continue to enjoy what we do, even more of a blessing than we could realize a year ago.
We both dealt with health "issues" that we weren't aware of a year ago.
Continue to be blessed beyond measure.
Tomorrow morning we are headed to Biloxi with Mandy and Chris so we plan on ringing in the New Year in our pjs with takeout. There is sure to be lot of laughs when Chad and Chris get together, looking forward to a low key New Years.
So Happy New Year to you. Cheers, heres to an amazing 2010.