So- Johnny Weir is fantabulous, here is proof:
Monday, February 22, 2010
I have been knocked on my arse by a nasty cold today. I have already watched Sex and the City {loves it} and now been catching up on blogs and reading all about the Olympics {obsessed with EVERY event, especially curling}.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
{All my single ladies}
What an amazingly beautiful weekend, I played tennis twice! And I think I may have found a sport that is perfect for me. Singles Tennis. Y'all- I am obsessed. No one to blame but yourself, no husband pouting because we loose all of the time just fun with new ladies who have been nothing but sweet.
What a great workout and I do think I am improving my game. Who knew I could actually place the ball? It may not work 100% of the time but I am getting there! Yesterday I lost, 6-1 and 6-1 but today I won 6-2 and 6-1!!!!! It was all I could do to keep my composure and not squeal with delight! Match number 3 is on Tuesday, hope it goes as well as today and not like yesterday...
Friday, February 12, 2010
{Snowpocalypse, of a southern nature}
So, Flip Spiceland {our weatherman, I kid you not} was correct. It did actually snow today. What he was incorrect about was the amount. My parents and Todd and Natalie were supposed to get the good stuff- 2-3 inches {don't laugh Yankees} and we were only going to get 1-2 inches. Well, at 5:00 I measured and we had over 3 ourselves up here in NE Georgia.
I have to say, Chad did an amazing job and planning our Valentine's day weekend this year- this snow is just so romantic. Good job!
Today we went to romantic his and hers eye exams. Where we both found out that our eye sight is getting worse, I guess we are getting old. Then, we went and stocked up on the essentials:
Tonight we are staying in and making pizza, watching movies and consuming some vino. Liberty School Cab is our FAVORITE and we always stock up at Cost Plus, it is only $10.
See, 3 inches. Way more than last month when the whole city shut down. I am so glad that I had the day off, I can't imagine what my commute home would have been like...
We ventured out to see more of the snow. As you can tell we have a very vast back yard, we feel so blessed, so we wanted to see more. This is rare, we have never had this much snow here.
Ah, home sweet home!
Now, I am off the watch the local Fox news only discuss the snow. Nothing else is happening in the world, obviously.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This weekend we went down to my parents' house to celebrate Cris and Momma's birthdays {they are a day apart, Poochie should NEVER forget either one}. We had a wonderful time, as always, laughing, eating, wining {not to be confused with whining} and talking theology. We even watched The Hangover, strange to watch that with you parents I must say...

"Happy birthday to you!"
Happy Birthday Momma and Cris, hope you both get everything you wished for in the next year!
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