Friday, March 28, 2008

{Friday Favorites}

Hope you all have had a wonderful week, I can't believe it is almost April. Time does fly when you get old!

1. Bagels and Blue Jeans- We have casual Fridays here and they bring bagels from a Jewish deli in Atlanta. I don't know why but those two things always make me smile and love Friday even more.

2. Pottery Barn- I got their new catalog this week, LOVE IT! I love all of the bright colors and fun, simple patterns.

3. Warm Weather- Sunshine and 70's make me a very happy girl. I think we will go to a patio and have lunch today, another Friday perk!

4. Sweet Escapes- Every Saturday morning Chad and I have been going to this little coffee shop near our house, Sweet Escapes. I have a large sugar-free/fat free Vanilla Latte and an egg in the hole and Chad has a coffee and Bacon, Egg and Pimiento Cheese sandwich. We are creatures of habit and this has become one of my favorite parts of the week. The service is lacking, to say the least, but the food and coffee is fantastic!

5. Brooks Brothers- I have crossed over to the dark side...I love their clothes, like any good preppy girl should. Seersucker and pastels, WONDERFUL!!!

6. Pearls- I think this just speaks for I just need some real ones.HINT CHAD- my birthday is a month away...

7. Target- I picture my heaven to be Target and I have endless amounts of gift cards. I could spend hours there. Chad is convinced that they don't let me leave the store for less than $100 so I haven't been in a while, I really miss my dear friend...

8. Sirius- I am obsessed with satellite radio. I listen to Martha all day long, it is amazing! I have learned all about composting and fun new recipes, I even made a new dish last night! They do have random, weird commercials but I can let that slide. The afternoon show, Whatever! with Alexis (Martha's daughter) and Jennifer is hilarious!

9. Easter- I am so thankful that Jesus died for my sins, that is the ultimate Easter gift. I do have to admit though that I love dressing up and getting with family to hunt eggs :)

10. Possibility- I have found so much comfort lately in remembering that there is so much of my life unlived and that possibilities are endless...can't wait to see what's in store.

Have a wonderful weekend, hugs and kisses to all!

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