Friday, April 16, 2010

{Mr. Bob is dancing in heaven}

{Robert Lee Jenkins: August 26 , 1926- April 14, 2010}
Mr. Bob passed away this week, he was my sweet Grandmama's husband. They got married when I was in the 4th grade so he has been in my family for almost 20 years! We will be celebrating his life tomorrow at the same church we had Grandmama's funeral at, and the same preacher. I don't think I am going to handle that well...
It makes me so happy to know that they are probably dancing in heaven right as we speak, Grandmama LOVED to dance.

Rest in peace Mr. Bob, take good care of Grandmama and tell her I say hello and that I miss her everyday.


DSS said...

What a beautiful picture of your grandmother and Mr. Bob dancing :) I'm sorry for your loss.

Jeanine Kennedy said...

This made me tear up, just thinking of your Grandmama and Mr. Bob dancing in Heaven. So sweet. RIP Mr. Bob.