Friday, May 23, 2008
{Adios Amigos}
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
{Happy Anniversary to Us!}

Friday, May 16, 2008
{First kiss was a sweet kiss...}
{New Shoes = PAIN}

Thursday, May 15, 2008
{Charlotte LaVergn Eubanks 08/02/2006 }
Chad has a lot of time on his hands waiting for me to get home. God forbid anything ever happen to her, but in the case something does its always good to be prepared. I think we should play this at her Super Sweet 14 party this August...
Monday, May 12, 2008
{What a wonderful weekend}

Whitney, me and Lauren- I am the Audrina to the Whitney/Laruen combo here---I have never made that reference before- that is AMAZING!!! We are practically living the Hills here in North East Georgia...
Prom Pose
My parents spent the night with us and went to church with us yesterday morning. I have to say, I think Big Val might be a Baptist at heart...Chad made a delicious Mothers Day/Birthday lunch and we had an amazing cake. I only like my mom's yellow cake with fudge icing, no store bought cakes for me! My parents gave me all new flatware, Martha Stewart of course! We went to Chad's parents last night to celebrate with his mom and it was a nice end to a wonderful weekend. I got a gift certificate to go towards some patio furniture from Chad's parents and my brother/sister in law and fam gave me a Vera wallet and make up bag in the summer pattern, so cute!
Today I am officially the big 2-7, it feels damn old. Poochie and Cris took me out to lunch and I hope to head out early today to spend some time with my mans. It has been a wonderful birthday so far, I can't wait to see what 27 has in store for me!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
{I am a what!}
I have seen this on a lot of blogs and have enjoyed reading about everyone so I though I would join in on the fun!
5 things I can't live without under $10:
1. Starbucks Skinny Iced Vanilla Latte
2. Magazines- Women's Health, Southern Living, Vogue, Cottage Living, Health, Martha are my favorites...just to name a few
3. My Pottery Barn aluminum water bottle
4. Vaseline Intensive Care Healthy Glow lotion
5. Raw Hide Bones for Charlotte
5 Favorite Movies:
1. Love Actually
2. Legally Blond
3. Steel Magnolia's
4. The Devil Wears Prada
5. A Perfect Murder
5 favorite girls' names I love but won't use:
1. Elle
2. Kate
3. Charlotte- I do hate that I named my dog I can't name a kid!
4. Amelia
5. Lillian
5 favorite boys' names I love but won't use:
1. Parker
2. Jackson
3. Andrew
4. Hunt
5. Henry
5 songs you could listen to over and over again:
1. Everything- Michael Buble
2. the Leona Lewis song
3. Amazing Grace- Chris Tomlin
4. Long Trip Alone- Dirks Bentley
5. Stronger- Kanye West
5 things that stay in my handbag at all times:
1. cell phone
2. work parking pass/entry pass
3. wallet
4. pens
5. nexium
5 obsessions I have right now:
1. Mexico- El Dorado Maroma
2. iGoogle, especially Google reader
3. blogs
4. Bonanno sandals
5. checking my cell phone
5 places I'd love to go:
1. Italy
2. Greece
3. Australia
4. Wine Country
5. New England in the Fall
{Birthday Weekend}
We are going to Athens tomorrow night for drinks and dinner at Farm 255, I can't wait. Then my parents are coming home with us and we will be headed to church for together on Sunday and we will cook my momma some lunch.
I love this time of year, my birthday is this week and then our Anniversary is next week!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
{Fruits of the Spirit- thanks Daddy}

I choose goodness... I will go without a dollar before I take a dishonest one. I will be overlooked before I will boast. I will confess before I will accuse. I choose goodness.
“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” - John 9:5
Sunday, May 4, 2008
{Weekends in Pictures}
Saturday, May 3, 2008
{Ultimate Sacrifice}