Saturday, February 28, 2009
{Happy Birthday Brothers!}
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Well, the first day of no meat went ok and the second day is going better but I am home sick. I feel really run down and my tummy is not happy with me. It might be all of the garbanzo beans I ate yesterday for lunch :) I have finished New Moon today and can't wait to read Eclipse, I HAVE to find out what is next for Bella and Edward! I can't wait to see Twilight, I keep watching the previews on YouTube since I now understand what is going on. Does anyone know when it comes out on DVD? I will be the first one in line at the Red Box!
I'm off to take a nap, I have been trying to print invitations for a shower we are hosting with my parents and brother/sister in law and have been fighting with Word and my printer for the past couple of hours, I am worn out!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
{Dear Nancy-}

Preppy Republican TRYING to have an open mind with all you liberals
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
{Happy Fat Tuesday, y'all!}
It's Fat Tuesday. While that meant a lot more in college, {lots of drink specials in downtown Athens before all of the college kids gave up drinking for Lent you see} I still find it fun! I am Baptist/Presbyterian and we do not celebrate Ash Wednesday or Lent, but I always have. I have given up caffeine{that sucked}, fried food, soda, alcholol {that REALLY sucked} and this year it will be meat. But, nothing beats the fact that in high school a girl I knew, in my youth group no less, gave up boys for lent. Can you say hoochie?!?!? But, she was allowed to make out with them on Sunday, apparantly those are Lent rules...
As my friend Erin says, I won't eat anything with feet. It will only be 40 days but I think it will be difficult. I am not a huge fan of fish and I hope I don't only eat pasta! We will see.
So, my friends, go out and celebrate Fat Tuesday. I think I need to eat a big juicy hamburger!
As my friend Erin says, I won't eat anything with feet. It will only be 40 days but I think it will be difficult. I am not a huge fan of fish and I hope I don't only eat pasta! We will see.
So, my friends, go out and celebrate Fat Tuesday. I think I need to eat a big juicy hamburger!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Coming to you live from the mall! We feel like we just robbed Verizon. We bought one storm and got one free. We are now in the 21st century!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
{When will I realize...}
*My friend Stephanie did this on her blog and I loved it {so I copied it :)}
- that money does not grow on trees and there will never be enough.
- that you have to put something into worship in order to get something out.
- that I do not look like the picture of myself in my head.
- you have to exercise to loose weight? {good one Steph}
- girls are crazy!?!?!
- you will not remain friends with someone forever, sometimes you grow apart.
- my husband IS usually right {not always but most of the time}
- vegetables are good for me and I need to eat them
- coffee and red wine are not good for IBS
- peanut butter covered in chocolate is not a "healthy protein filled snack"
- I will never weigh what I did in high school
- I may never find Shag on DVD
- everybody is battling something, you just may not know what it is
- all you need is love
- no TV show will ever live up to Friends or Felicity
- Chick Fil A is not good for you
- college was not the best time of my life, the best is yet to come
- the lessons God has taught me over the years
- words hurt more than anything
- bananas are gross- stop eating them!
Play along, this is fun!
{Everyone loves a makeover!}

I love cute blog designs and Penny Lane is one of my favorite blog designers. She is giving away a FREE blog makeover! So head on over and enter her giveaway, be sure and tell her Preppy Haze sent 'ya!
Friday, February 20, 2009
I haven't been posting very much lately because I have a new obsession that is taking up my time. Twilight.
I swore I wouldn't read those books, I am too old and I don't like all of that fantasy crap. Ummm, these books are so A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, I can't put them down. Oh my, who can't relate to the turmoil of that high school love where you had to be near them ALL THE TIME and breaking up with them was the end of the world.
So yes, I am have reverted back to 17 year old Allison. I even called voted for American Idol, Chad is a cradle robber.
I swore I wouldn't read those books, I am too old and I don't like all of that fantasy crap. Ummm, these books are so A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, I can't put them down. Oh my, who can't relate to the turmoil of that high school love where you had to be near them ALL THE TIME and breaking up with them was the end of the world.
So yes, I am have reverted back to 17 year old Allison. I even called voted for American Idol, Chad is a cradle robber.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
{Weekend of love}
On Friday night we went to my parents' house to celebrate Grandmom's 85th birthday. She was the birthday queen and we had so much fun. She lives in Chattanooga so we don't see her as often as I would like...

Betty, the birthday queen! I hope I look this good when I am 85...
Three generations of Bass women, the only thing in the looks department I inherited was the straight dark hair....
On Saturday we got up early to start our day 'o love our favorite way- going out to breakfast! We went to Mama's Boy in Athens and it was wonderful! My plain oatmeal I have eaten every morning this week just isn't cutting it. SIDE NOTE- I LOVE going out to breakfast, I am not sure why. I think its because when I was little daddy would wake me up early on Saturday morning and take me to McDonald's for some hotcakes and sausage...
Anywho, back to day 'o love...we decided to stay home and cook and I took that very seriously, I didn't want to leave all day. We went to the butcher to get our steaks {YUM} and to the grocery store for the lobsters and asparagus and then we hung out at home ALL day, it was GLORIOUS! We watched My Best Friends Girl {don't like Dane Cook but was ok} and Nights in Rodanthe {did not like AT ALL} and napped.
Our lobster tails were so good, we had never cooked lobster before so we wikied and YouTubed cooking lobster. I must say, grilled was the best!
Our delicious Valentine's Day FEAST!
Hope you and your love bug had a great day, gotta run- we have an in bed by eight date! I am pooped, and its only Tuesday!
Friday, February 13, 2009
"My beloved is mine and I am his" Song of Solomon 2:16
This is going to be a low key Valentine's Day. Tonight we are going to my parents to celebrate Grandmom's birthday, she is turining 85! We are going to spend the night {you know we like Daddy's wine club memebership!} and I hope we stop someplace cute in the morning for some romantic breakfast and coffee. :) We are going to get some good food and cook and stay in tomorrow night and just relax. Happy Valentines day!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
{My little trip to the mother ship...}
Okay, so lets get one thing straight- I LOVE CHICK FIL A. When we were little we would NEVER eat there, my mom thought it was too expensive. The only time I remember eating there was when we would go to Lenox, don't know why, and I always had to eat a chicken salad sandwich. So know I guess I think of it as a treat, and I am making up for lost time...
Well let me tell you, I love it even more now! This is such an amazing company and my Poochie is just so lucky to work there!
I got the the compound, it was huge, and drove through the trees, by the lake and the jogging trails. When I got out it smelled like Chick Fil A, yum!! After I got my picture taken and signed in Poochie took me on the tour of the museum and up to see his cube. Then, we went to LUNCH! This is amazing, there was so much offered I had a hard time choosing! I ate a Chick Fil A sandwich, salad {it was a HUGE salad bar} and some soup. Poochie ate sweet and sour chicken, fried rice and humus and pita {I might have had some of it too...}. Then we split a piece of cake, the milkshake maker was off for the afternoon :). I wondered why everyone was 1,000 pounds and then I saw the gym- it was amazing!
It is amazing how well they take care of their employees- food, gym, flexible with Poochie's schedule and an amazing Christian workplace. Everyone looked so happy to work there, they were so friendly! It was a lovely lunch, I can't wait to go again and visit.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
{Headed to Heaven on Earth}
I am going to eat lunch with Poochie tomorrow, I can't wait. See, Poochie works at what I imagine to be heaven on earth- Chick Fil A headquarters!!!!! I will have endless waffle fries, chicken sandwiches {and hopefully pickles!} and you guessed it, MILKSHAKES, at my disposal. I can't wait!!!
I will be sure to give a full report when I return, if I am not in a food coma!
Friday, February 6, 2009
{Ode to the Bento Box }
Oh bento box, I love you so.
I wish I had known of you before!
With your deep fried veggies and shrimp,
if Chad had introduced me he would be a PIMP!
I love miso soup and the salad was yummy,
to bad your shrimp is on my shirts tummy!
I want to eat you forever but sadly will not,
if I did my bank account would show and I would be caught.
So till next time sweet bento, I'll think of you dear.
So glad that Starfish is so very near.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
{On the heels of our 25 things...}
I love to read NY Mag's Daily Intel, it makes me feel cultured {even though I started reading it for the Gossip Girl recaps every Tuesday...}. It is always full of wonderful tidbits, like why Manhattan smells like maple syrup these days. {I want that!} I laughed out loud when I came across this article. It is hilarious, you have to read the comments!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
{The Power of Prayer}
The power of prayer is an amazing thing. It can heal a person's soul or body, it can take you to a place of contentment that you didn't even realize was possible. I come to all my friends {both real life and blog land} and ask for your prayers. These are prayers of healing and peace, I know all are possible.
Debbie- My friend M's mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer and it is an "angry tumor". She is having a double mastectomy today, please keep her and my friends family in your prayers.
Ronnie- A family friend is having surgery today after experiencing complications from prostate cancer. Cancer is a nasty disease, I HATE it!
My Dad- He is having surgery on Friday to repair his knee. We are praying for a fast and easy recovery!
Debbie- My friend M's mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer and it is an "angry tumor". She is having a double mastectomy today, please keep her and my friends family in your prayers.
Ronnie- A family friend is having surgery today after experiencing complications from prostate cancer. Cancer is a nasty disease, I HATE it!
My Dad- He is having surgery on Friday to repair his knee. We are praying for a fast and easy recovery!
"...the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective" James 5:16
Monday, February 2, 2009
Chad and I had a wonderful, relaxing weekend down at my parents house. We arrived on Friday night to Big Val making brownies. They were divine! We relaxed and ate all weekend long, it was wonderful. Chad said one of the funniest things I have ever heard, I just had to share.
We were eating dinner on Saturday night and were drinking our {third bottle of} wine when I got all fancy pants on Daddy's fancy pants wine and started talking about the tannins.
Me: "blah blah blah look, you can see the tannins, this wine is so good yada yada yada..."
Chad: "Are tannins hair? Because yeah- I've got some of those in mine too..." He says it so serious I just died laughing!
We got to spend time with Chad's family too {where we ate tons more food} and watched the Super Bowl at my brother and sister in laws house. It was fun to get the hang out with my nephews Jack and McKay, they are always entertaining! Back to the real world today, we are both feeling a little under the weather {but I expect us to make a full recovery!}
We were eating dinner on Saturday night and were drinking our {third bottle of} wine when I got all fancy pants on Daddy's fancy pants wine and started talking about the tannins.
Me: "blah blah blah look, you can see the tannins, this wine is so good yada yada yada..."
Chad: "Are tannins hair? Because yeah- I've got some of those in mine too..." He says it so serious I just died laughing!
We got to spend time with Chad's family too {where we ate tons more food} and watched the Super Bowl at my brother and sister in laws house. It was fun to get the hang out with my nephews Jack and McKay, they are always entertaining! Back to the real world today, we are both feeling a little under the weather {but I expect us to make a full recovery!}
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