Monday, June 30, 2008
{Picture this}
- A beautiful white Cadillac hearse pulling up in front of my house, my hubby driving.
- Me hopping in- wearing my bathing suit, a cover up and caring a my monogrammed beach bag, chatting on the phone with Whit
- All of our neighbors outside in the yard, staring at us.
That is damn funny. And no, no one was in the back.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
{Preppy Haze Favorite Things: Summer Edition}
- Screen porches- last night we went to a soiree for our dear friends Caroline and Erik {hi Caroline!!} who are tying the knot this September. The party was on a "farm" {there were no animals just endless miles of rolling green land and lakes} and after a short summer sprinkle the sun was shining as it was setting and it was absolutely beautiful! It was so nice sitting with good friends on a screen porch {where the HUGE GA skeeters can't get you} and a cocktail.
- Pool time- I am about to go out to the pool and read, favorite summer past time. I added a summer reading list to the side, I hope to read all of those books this summer! I just finished Hissy Fit {listening to it actually on my commute} it was AMAZING!
- Summer hours at work. Amen is all I can say, they are wonderful!
- 4th of July Hunt Shindig- My parents started a tradition a few years ago where everyone- on both sides of my family, come to my parents house for a 4th of July celebration. We haven't had it the past two years because we saw the fam at my wedding in 2006 and Poochie's last year. It should be fun, this will be the first party Chad has made.
- The Lake- my parents live on Lake Oconee and I love getting to spend weekends down there in the summer. It is so relaxing and peaceful. Plus, both brothers and families are usually there so it ends up being a party!
- Grilling out- Our favorite thing to do on a Saturday night is to get some apps and cocktails and grill out, just the two of us. I am so blessed to be married to and live with my very best friend, we tend to talk about our hopes and "dreams" for our life { I think it tends to be the cocktails talking} but it always amazing to hear my husband's unwavering ambition, makes me love him even more!
- Sundresses, 'nough said.
- Flip flops- I am loving my Jack Rogers that I got back in May. I am STILL waiting on my Bonnano's that Chad got me for my birthday. 7 weeks and counting...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
{Run, don't walk...}
So go purchase the Viva la Vida album and cheer on the Dawgs tonight, they need you!
BTW- I have a personal trainer session tomorrow morning a O dark thirty. I am actually frightened about what she will do to me. Can't wait to tell you all about it tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
{No go on the car}
Monday, June 23, 2008
{Bad case of the Mondays}
Hello all. I am quite sad to be at the office today, I love these summer hours- leaving at 1:00 on Friday makes the weekend seem so much longer! We had a jam packed weekend, it was wonderful!

- I checked out the Braselton library for the first time on Friday afternoon- too cute! I got a couple of books and 2 books on tape. I have never listened to a book on tape before, I LOVE to read so I thought I would be missing out on something. Not the case, AT ALL. I have an hour or more commute each way so this is the perfect solution! Right now I am listening to Hissy Fit by Mary Kay Andrews, SO CUTE!! Since my wedding reception was in Madison and my parents live down there is holds a special place in my heart.
- Laid out with Lauren at the Traditions pool. Love this neighborhood, such pretty houses!
- Got a mani and a pedi, I don't love my toes and fingers unless they are BRIGHT red!
- Strolled though the Braselton Antique stores, saw about a millions things I can't live without. Well, I guess I can live without them, I didn't buy a thing!
- Cooked out and chilled in the backyard with Charlotte and a yummy Gin and Tonic on Saturday night. We watched Finding Amanda on pay per view, it isn't out yet but had a GREAT cast. It was a good movie, had some hilarious lines!

- Played golf with the in laws on Sunday afternoon at The University of Georgia course. I shot a 122, not bad for the 3 time I have ever played!! My goodness are Chad and Clay intense about this game!
- Looked at a Civic Hybrids and a Prius. Keeping our fingers crossed that the used Prius we found will still be available tomorrow when Chad goes to talk to them! It is hard to believe that we would save money if we got this car...stupid gas guzzling SUV.
Oh, and by the way...the cleaning crew came on Friday and my house is AMAZING! I don't think it has ever been this clean. Everything is so shiny! I highly recomend Razzle Dazzle!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
{How does your garden grow?}
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
{Cutie Patootie}

We are big fans of the big T in the Eubanks house, I tried to catch a glimpse of her during the 1,000 hours of golf we watched this weekend...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
{Kate Spade Outlet!!}
Kate Spade outlet is opening at the Dawsonville outlets in July!!!!! H&M and Kate, I am in heaven. My wallet better watch out!
{New Kids}
So, if anyone knows of {cheap} NKOTB tickets let me know. If the concert at Bobby Dodd stadium in 1990 was an indication of what amazing artists they are then I have not doubt that middle age boybanders will be an AMAZING show.
Monday, June 16, 2008
{My Man loves me}
Friday, June 13, 2008
{Friday Favorites}
Hope you all have an exciting weekend planned, I am heading to Greensboro tonight to hang with the fam. We have a 7:20 {YiKeS!} tee time tomorrow morning, I am playing with Daddy, Marc and Todd, I can't wait to spend time with 3 of my favorite men! Here are some things that have tickled my fancy recently I wanted to share with you.
1. Grandmom's new kitten Callie
2. The new 3G iPhone that is coming out this summer, NICE!
3. Kate Spade in general
4. Sex and the City movie, I am going tonight to see it for the second time with some of my girlfriends
5. Hot Yoga- I have been doing some research and looking into this. There is a studio near work and I think I could really use it to let off some steam. Anyone tried it, what do you think?
6. ummmm, amazing! It is like overstock but with Bluefly items
7. Summer hours- I am off like a prom dress in 14 minutes, not like I am counting or anything!
Hope y'all have a good weekend celebrating Fathers!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
{Catch up}
I finally saw SATC this weekend, I love it {I am seeing it again this Friday night for supper club} but I will say I was a bit disappointed in it. Samantha was a little disappointing, why did Lily not speak {she 4 years old for goodness sake} and I thought Jennifer Hudson's character was a bit out of place...Also, I didn't love the way Carrie handled the whole Big situation, I thought it was a bit immature. I know, I know it was a movie and I LOVED it, those are just some thoughts. I do love my girl Charlotte though {even more after the Mexico scene, that was almost me last week :)}.
I inherited some of my grandparents things this weekend. I got two wing back chairs that I will recover and a drum top table. I also got lots of napkins too. They had a yard sale and made $1,100, that shows how much stuff they had- these items were a quarter people!
We got to hang out with the Fowlers and the Mullins on Sunday night and had a blast! I never get to see Mandy and Chris and it is always fun to see little Kaleigh. Overall it was a great weekend, just trying to make it to the next one. I can't wait to get to the lake and relax!
Friday, June 6, 2008

{O Happy Day}
Today is going to be a good day. I went to Starbucks this morning {I needed a non dairy creamer for my coffee due to unfortunate Mexican parasite/bacteria that has invaded my digestive track} to get a Tall {the smallest size} Sugar Free Soy Vanilla latte, yummy with a capital Y...I paid my $4 {rip off, I go to a different coffee shop down the street and a LARGE coffee is $1.90!} and get to the window and they accidentally made me a venti {the largest size}! Thank you, Jenny Craig herself my come and rip this out of my hands it has so many calories in it, I like to eat my calories rather than drink them {who am I kidding, I am the first to grab a cocktail at Happy Hour}. But it was SOOOOO good and such a good treat. Then, my dear Lauren called me and I got to chat with her on the way to work.
And...drum roll please...I got a new job. Well, technically it is the same title and it is at the same company but I am now on a new team. I am now responsible for all of our Current Customer Marketing and 4 new clients. I have been doing the same job, for the same client, on the same team for over 4 years, I gladly welcome this change!
It is AMAZING how prayer works...I prayed for a new job, I mean I drive 45 miles one way people, and my Sunday School class prayed for a new job for me, and my Small Group prayed for a new job for me, and my parents prayed for a new job for me and Marc and Cris have prayed for a new job for me...You get the picture. It is amazing how He works, I got the new job. Not what I pictured, I thought I would be closer to home, but I still got what we ALL prayed for.
On a different note, I am obsessed with this site. It has the cutest preppy items I have ever seen. I LOVE the monogrammed "Croakies", perfect for the lake!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We will be working in our garden, cooking out with some friends and seeing Sex and the City. I am the last person to see it and if I wait to see it next weekend with Supper Club I will know what happens!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
{RIP Stella}
Monday, June 2, 2008
{The Most Amazing Vacation}